Artwork Title: Chan Bor Will With Cat

Chan Bor Will With Cat

Carol Yarrow

From 1995 through 2002, Carol Yarrow spent long stretches of time in Chiapas, Mexico, living among Lacandon Mayan villagers in a town called Nahá. There, deep within mahogany forests that have subsequently been clear-cut, she got to know Mayan families as tourism, technology, logging and religious evangelism encroached on their way of life.... [] ...The symbolism is even more direct in the still life Chan Bor Will With Cat. That print shows a child in shadow, contemplating a kitten and a flower that are bathed in a dramatic shaft of light. The cat's fur and delicate limbs are thrown into immaculate relief, as are the flower's petals. What could be more unspeakably vulnerable than a child, a kitten, a flower? Nothing, Yarrow implies, except perhaps for an entire culture on the cusp of extinction. []
Uploaded on May 25, 2018 by Suzan Hamer

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