Artwork Title: The Four Ages of Man: Childhood

The Four Ages of Man: Childhood

Ditlev Blunck

Artwork Title: The Four Ages of Man: ChildhoodArtwork Title: The Four Ages of Man: Childhood
The four paintings that form this series were commissioned by King Christian VIII of Denmark. Produced during this time of personal upheaval in the first half of the 1840s, they are examples of Blunck’s mature style, one which was influenced by the “Nazarenes”, a group of primarily German artists who wished to convey "earnest" sentiments in their work in contrast, they felt, to the “exteriority” typified by French art of the time. These paintings make an interesting contrast with those featured in my recent post on Thomas Cole's "The Voyage of Life" of 1842: 4 paintings on the same subject, painted during the same few years. (
Uploaded on Jul 6, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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