Artwork Title: Georgia O’Keeffe

Georgia O’Keeffe

Gaston Lachaise

Sculptor Gaston Lachaise often made portraits of his fellow modern artists, carving this regal one of O’Keeffe in alabaster. He captured her hallmarks : a stately profile, an unadorned face, and a cool, detached air. When Stieglitz displayed the bust in a show at his Intimate Gallery in 1927, the writer Louis Kalonyme drew connections between the bust and O’Keeffe’s body and art: You see in her noble white face, framed as it is by her black hair and set off by the black garments she almost always wears, the same radiance perceived by Gaston Lachaise. In his sculpture portrait of O’Keeffe your eyes follow a head rising like a white sun, whose flaming tranquility is fed by that same beauty which is communicated by O’Keeffe through those marvelous flowers she paints. You see too in the features of that sculpted face, its poised, affirmative lines, the sources of that beauty. O’Keeffe and Stieglitz owned this portrait, and she bequeathed it to the Metropolitan Museum as part of a much larger gift in 1949. (
Uploaded on Jul 8, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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