Artwork Title: Hommage à Delacroix

Hommage à Delacroix, 1864

Henri Fantin-Latour

Painting from photographs, Fantin-Latour made some great group portraitures too, such as “Homage to Delacroix”. This large, dark painting is based on a photograph taken 10 years earlier of writers and artists clustered around a portrait of Eugène Delacroix. A year after Delacroix’s death, Fantin-Latour painted it to pay the artist greater homage than he had received in his lifetime. Included in the painting are Fantin-Latour himself (in white shirt, holding a palette), and the painters James Whistler and Edouard Manet. Also featured is the author of Les Fleurs du mal, poet and art critic Charles Baudelaire, who is seated in the lower right-hand corner. This painting, like “A Studio in Les Batignolles” (1870) or “The Reading” (1877), makes use of the realistic but dusty grays of Jean-François Millet, as in his “ The Gleaners” (1857). (
Uploaded on Feb 4, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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