Artwork Title: Renée Jacobi

Renée Jacobi, 1930

Jacques-André Boiffard

Artwork Title: Renée JacobiArtwork Title: Renée JacobiArtwork Title: Renée JacobiArtwork Title: Renée JacobiArtwork Title: Renée Jacobi
In this context it is worth looking again at the surrealist Jacques-Andre Boiffard's photograph of Renee Jacobi (1930), which suggests she is a corpse in a mortuary, and to consider Luc Sante's comments on crime photography: "In looking at a crime photo we know we are looking at an image of radical disjunction before we are consciously aware of its narrative content. But then crime retails death, or at best loss, so that even before spectations with no personal stake in the matter it is charged. It is surrealism with a knife." Footnote 59 in Body and Soul: Jazz and Blues in American Film, 1927-63 by Peter Stanfield, found on Google Books.
9 x 7 in
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