Artwork Title: Ensueño

Ensueño, 2016

Tanja Gant

Artwork Title: EnsueñoArtwork Title: Ensueño
Tanja Gant’s Ensueño addresses the subject of the project at the level of the flesh. There is nothing more European, more “white,” than Gant’s painstakingly invisible pencil marks, or the pose of the model, evoking a crouching Aphrodite. The application of this image tradition to the girl at hand integrates her into that tradition. The drawing, therefore, is a celebration of using the eyes one has to see new things - that the many peoples of this Earth look different from one another, and to love from one family to the next, it is first required that one learn to see. With her meticulous pencil, Gant teaches herself to see the golden flesh, the curves and athletic power of her young subject, drenched in the sun, ready to take flight. Seeing, Gant comes to know who she looks at, and to adore her.
20 x 15 in
Uploaded on Oct 28, 2016 by Didi Menendez

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