Artwork Title: Man with Pipe, representing Dr. Gachet

Man with Pipe, representing Dr. Gachet, 1890

Vincent van Gogh

May 25, 1890. On May 25, 1890 Vincent wrote his parents: "The physician here has shown me much sympathy, I may come to his house as often as I want, and he has a good knowledge of what is being done these days among the painters. He himself is very nervous, which I suppose has not improved since his wife's death. He has 2 children, a girl of 19 and a boy of 16. He tells me that in my case work is the best thing to keep my balance. (...) Unfortunately it is expensive here in the village, but Gachet, the physician, tells me that it is the same in all the villages in the vicinity, and that he himself suffers much from it compared with before. And for some time to come I shall have to stay near a physician I know. And I can pay him in pictures, and I could not do that with anyone else if anything happened and I needed help. The same day he wrote Theo: "Today I saw Dr. Gachet again and I am going to paint at his house on Tuesday morning... (
Uploaded on Nov 25, 2016 by Suzan Hamer

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