Artwork Title: The Sower (Sower with Setting Sun)

The Sower (Sower with Setting Sun), 1888

Vincent van Gogh

Artwork Title: The Sower (Sower with Setting Sun)Artwork Title: The Sower (Sower with Setting Sun)
...An important intermediary in this development was Vincent van Gogh, an outsider and brief adherent of Pointillism who set off in new directions. Van Gogh at first took up Seurat’s ideas with enthusiasm: his pallet became brighter and more luminous, and an abundant flurry of dots found entry into his landscapes. But the systematically dotted style never played a truly central role in Van Gogh’s output. The artist soon adopted a freer form of expression that better matched his nature: “It is working with points and similar elements that I hold to be the real discoveries; but we must already be at pains to ensure that this technique, just like any other, does not itself become a general dogma.” He said this in 1888, at which point he began countering the cool and rational pointillist style with his own individual expression and emotion. []
Uploaded on Aug 16, 2015 by Suzan Hamer

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