Artwork Title: Drawing Room, Holland Park

Drawing Room, Holland Park, 1887

Anna Alma-Tadema

Artwork Title: Drawing Room, Holland ParkArtwork Title: Drawing Room, Holland ParkArtwork Title: Drawing Room, Holland Park
"The name on these artworks were A. Alma-Taldema....Anna Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence's daughter. And these watercolors were done when she was a teenager.... Yet when I went on the Internet to actually search her out, I found...nothing. Less than nothing...every link was either a portrait of her done by her father, or a brief mention in a biography of her father. Or, even worse, when I searched images for more of her interior artworks, or even better quality images than my poor photos, I actually found numerous websites that attributed her beautiful work to her father. The few references to her ability that I found online were alarmingly dismissive. Her work is described as that of a "precocious teenager," of moderate talent. The unspoken yet clear undertone of references to her work are that they were just a whimsical past time, and nothing of any note, unlike her father's epic work...." []
Uploaded on Jun 19, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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