Artwork Title: Femme et Enfant au Balcon

Femme et Enfant au Balcon, 1872

Berthe Morisot

Sold at auction by Christie's, 28 February 2017, London, for $5,077,655 US. Signed 'B Morisot' (lower right). Morisot's sister Edma and her daughter Jeanne are portrayed here from their parents' house on a hill in Passy, a Paris municipality. Edma is dressed in black for the death of her father. They look out from a terrace on the recently opened gardens of the Trocadero. In the foreground, a river; in the background, the skyline of Paris with the dome of the Hôtel des Invalides.
24 x 20 in
Uploaded on Apr 21, 2017 by Sara Hayden

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