Artwork Title: Maat with Jules

Maat with Jules, 1919

Coen Van Oven

Double portrait of Maria Cornelia van Oven-van Doorn, sister-in-law of the painter, and her youngest son, Jules van Oven. This is the only double portrait of Coen van Oven known so far. M.C. van Oven-van Doorn looks up from a large book she is reading to her son Jules. It is no coincidence that she is portrayed in this way: she was a writer of children's books and had a natural gift for keeping children occupied. It is probably thanks to that that Coen has portrayed all her children several times. She invented stories or read, often from her own books. The painter later said to one of her children: "Maat and I have worked together a lot, with great appreciation for each other's work." Her letters show that she considered the lodging periods of her brother-in-law heavy, but that she also enjoyed seeing the portraits. The boy is painted with a looser, freer key than the mother; this accentuates the liveliness of the child. []
Uploaded on Jun 1, 2018 by Suzan Hamer

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