Artwork Title: A Jewish Giant at Home with his Parents in the Bronx, New York City

A Jewish Giant at Home with his Parents in the Bronx, New York City, 1967

Diane Arbus

The subject is Eddie Carmel, a giant, standing with his elderly parents. [] April 1970, a year before her death, Arbus visited him at the home he shared with his parents, and made this photograph... Her photographs often explore the tension between normalcy and aberrance. Here, she touches on our obsession with superhuman... [] ...Diane seduced intimate images out of so many unexpected subjects. There were men with all-over tattoos and circus names, women who dressed as men, a Jewish giant visiting his parents in the Bronx, middle-aged folks in nothing but sandals at a New Jersey nudist camp, twins and triplets in matching dress, strung-out couples in a hippie-filthy Washington Square Park.... []
Uploaded on Jan 25, 2017 by Antonio de la Rosa

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