Artwork Title: Dream of Reason (Self Portrait with Charlottey Bronte, Poe, Dostoevski, Lau Tzu, Tolstoy, and Erasmu

Dream of Reason (Self Portrait with Charlottey Bronte, Poe, Dostoevski, Lau Tzu, Tolstoy, and Erasmu, 1976

Fritz Eichenberg

Fritz Eichenberg liked to point out that his German last name meant “oak mountain,” as if this, somehow, explained his extraordinary mastery of the medium of wood engraving. In a creative lifetime dedicated to graphics, Eichenberg occasionally experimented with lithographs and linocuts but always felt most inspired with a graver in hand, creating meticulous white-line prints from wooden panels, preferably, made from endgrain boxwood. He was a visual artist whose work was inextricably bound up with words in hundreds of illustrations for books and periodicals. In a 1976 self portrait titled Dream of Reason, the artist sleeps over an open volume, engraving tool in hand, while the ghosts of all the authors whose writings he illustrated--Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Desiderius Erasmus, Charlotte Bronte, Edgar Allen Poe, Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev--peer expectantly over his shoulder. (
Uploaded on Oct 29, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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