Artwork Title: Three Ladies of the Moscon Family

Three Ladies of the Moscon Family, 1829

Giuseppe Tominz

Artwork Title: Three Ladies of the Moscon FamilyArtwork Title: Three Ladies of the Moscon FamilyArtwork Title: Three Ladies of the Moscon Family
For some reason I can't quite figure, I love painters whose work combines great technical skill with frequently misunderstood perspective, lapses in drawing, wildly variable degrees of verisimilitude, etc. I've only recently "discovered" Giuseppe Tominz, but I find his paintings very interesting, and I think he's a very good example of those charmingly inconsistent artists whose work I find so fascinating. As with the Mona Lisa, the two halves of the background landscape fail to line up. (
Uploaded on Jul 29, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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