Artwork Title: Lacerta + Musca

Lacerta + Musca, 2015

Joe Lillington

Necessity for Transition and Renewal Lacerta and Musca literally translate to the lizard and the fly. Each represents cycles of life and balance in nature. In Roman mythology, lizards were thought to sleep through the winter, representing the concepts of death and resurrection. Flies are also often are associated with death and rebirth. Flies lay eggs in dead flesh to feed their young. The young flies then become food for other species, thereby continuing the cycle. When this card appears in a reading, it represents a growing need to change. It is a card of transition or resurrection of past relationships, concepts, or memories. This may symbolize changing careers, leaving a relationship, or shedding material possessions in favor of making room for something else. In the upright reading, this transition will be worthwhile. Though it may be a bittersweet departure, the benefits of change strongly outweigh the temporary discomfort. Reversed, this card may indicate that change will happen strictly out of necessity, and the transition may come with its fair share of fear and insecurity. Regardless of the conditions of the change, this card represents the fulfillment of a cycle, and one’s focus should not focus heavily on the departure, but on the arrival of new potential.

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