Artwork Title: Telescopium and Reticulum

Telescopium and Reticulum

Matt Rockefeller

Observation - Big Picture - Discovery The constellations Telescopium and Reticulum represent the telescope and the reticle, two tools used to view and make observations about the stars and other celestial bodies. The card depicts an image of a woman standing at her window, gesturing out at the vastness of the starry sky as her birds are released out into the night. She stands between what is known and what is unknown, but she faces the open window hopefully. Curious explorers gaze through lenses into the unknown, hoping to discover and understand what is beyond their familiar landscape. Careful observation has revealed distant lands caught in the cross-hairs of the reticle. It has pinpointed new stars and vast amounts of space where a brave soul might adventure one day. Symbolically, this card refers to the act of assessing the potential for discovery and exploration. It is about the search for the unknown, and a change to learn from that which is unfamiliar. This card references both the search and the discovery, as well as the ability to make sense of things that are out of reach but intriguing all the same. Reversed, this card cautions against illusion. It may be a good idea double-check that what one is seeing through a hopeful lens is not just a mirage. If this card appears in a reading with Microscopium, a person may find their observational and instinctual vision is crystal clear. Now is a great time to look around and see what opportunities may appear!

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