Artwork Title: Pierre Cadeau de Mongazon

Pierre Cadeau de Mongazon, 1715-1720

Nicolas de Largillière

Artwork Title: Pierre Cadeau de MongazonArtwork Title: Pierre Cadeau de MongazonArtwork Title: Pierre Cadeau de Mongazon
"I haven't been able to find any information on the subject of this suave and sensuously painted portrait save that he was a court counselor of some sort or another.... Most people have the assumption that everyone in the 18th century wore white, powdered wigs, which is not anything like the truth. But this portrait gives us a very good example of the genuine - false - article; Largillière makes no effort to disguise the fact, even showing us a bit of the sitter's cleanly shaved scalp at the hairline." (
Uploaded on Jul 28, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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