Artwork Title: Ocean Park #79

Ocean Park #79, 1975

Richard Diebenkorn

Artwork Title: Ocean Park #79Artwork Title: Ocean Park #79
...Diebenkorn returned to abstraction in 1967, soon after moving to Southern California and establishing a studio in the Ocean Park neighborhood of Santa Monica, where he created his most celebrated works—large-scale, color and light-filled abstractions. ...From 1955 to 1973, Diebenkorn taught at several California arts institutions, including a position at UCLA (1966-73) while he worked in a studio in the Ocean Park neighborhood of Santa Monica. There he created his last representational works, but returned to abstraction with his large-scale Ocean Park paintings. This series is characterized by broadly brushed surfaces of luminescent and atmospheric color, affirming the artist’s continuing concern with formal issues. These brilliantly colored abstract works—both paintings and drawings—elicited great acclaim. []
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