Artwork Title: White Mountain

White Mountain, 1995

Wayne Thiebaud

Along with his food and dessert paintings, Thiebaud has consistently made landscapes throughout his career. Recurrent themes of surreal ridges, looming cliffs, winding riverscapes, and vertiginous streets are derived from Thiebaud’s surrounding environment in Sacramento and San Francisco, California and his native Arizona. With their seemingly improbable compositions, these are some of Thiebaud’s most complex and innovative works... Thiebaud’s landscapes and cityscapes unite representational and abstract forms within a single picture, capturing the mood or feeling unique to a particular place. Although these paintings and studies are inspired by specific locations, Thiebaud heightens their experiential effects. He comments, “I’m not just interested in the pictorial aspects of the landscape—see a pretty place and try to paint it—but in some way to manage it, manipulate it, or see what I can turn it into.” (
Uploaded on Nov 11, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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