Artwork Title: Rosemount (Coloured)

Rosemount (Coloured), 1999

Rose Wylie

Painting is a wonderful, magic thing. That is why young children love doing it. Wylie has rediscovered in maturity the freedom with which we painted when we were kids. Make a dog. Make a duck. Make a V1 flying bomb.... Memories of her own childhood well up in this strange, discombobulating, exciting exhibition. Wylie was born in 1934 and can remember the blitz. In her painting Rosemount (Coloured) the red outline of a V1 with its square wings flies over a roughed-out map of west London centred on a black silhouette of a factory with the name Rosemount scrawled on it. Bombs are falling among allotments and housing blocks. An eye looks up, seeing the V1. Among the bright colors, this painting speaks of horror, dread, explosions, death. []
Uploaded on Dec 24, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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