Artwork Title: Sofía Vela y Querol

Sofía Vela y Querol, 1850

Federico De Madrazo Y Kuntz

Artwork Title: Sofía Vela y QuerolArtwork Title: Sofía Vela y Querol
Celebrated Spanish singer, composer, and pianist. The sitter, who is portrayed with sympathy and affection, was a pianist, composer and, at the time the painting was executed, a contralto of the Royal Chamber. The inscription in Italian in the upper edge expresses the sitter´s qualities as a person and an artist, Né men ch´in viso bella in suono é dolce (A face no less lovely than her voice is sweet). It is taken from the 61st stanza of Canto XIV of Torquato Tasso´s Gerusalemme Liberata (Jerusalem Delivered), a Renaissance epic that inspired numerous musical compositions and works of art. Its inclusion here is a clear sign of the sitter´s education and her fondness for literature and music. []
Uploaded on Apr 5, 2018 by Suzan Hamer

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