Artwork Title: Portrait of Madame Maurice Boutet de Monvel (Jeanne Lebaigue)

Portrait of Madame Maurice Boutet de Monvel (Jeanne Lebaigue), 1878

Louis-Maurice Boutet De Monvel

Artwork Title: Portrait of Madame Maurice Boutet de Monvel (Jeanne Lebaigue)Artwork Title: Portrait of Madame Maurice Boutet de Monvel (Jeanne Lebaigue)
In 1877-78, Maurice Boutet de Monvel executed this portrait of his young wife, Jeanne née Lebaigue. The painting, with its quite classical composition is inspired by the great academic portraitists of the 1860-1870. The painter often had his family pose as models for his compositions. There exists a beautiful double portrait of Maurice Boutet de Monvel's sons, Roger and Bernard, showing the artist's spontaneity and freshness, reminding of his work as illustrator. There is always a small painting with his wife holding an umbrella. (
Uploaded on Jun 2, 2016 by Suzan Hamer

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